Support My Work
👋 Hi there!
I'm a solo developer who has dedicated countless hours to creating and maintaining Tab Nodes Tree. If you find this extension helpful and would like to support its ongoing development, here are a few ways you can help. Your support will help cover the costs of development, hosting, and support, allowing me to continue improving and expanding the extension.

Ways You Can Help:
  • Buy a License Key: Purchasing a license key supports the project directly.
  • Donate: If you don't need the extra features provided by a license key, you can still donate. Even if you’ve already bought a license and feel this extension has provided you with significant value, additional donations are greatly appreciated.

Why Your Support Matters:
  • Sustain Development: Your support enables continuous updates and new features.
  • Cover Costs: Helps with hosting fees and other expenses.
  • Encouragement: Shows appreciation for the hard work and dedication.

Any amount is greatly appreciated and makes a big difference. Thank you for using Tab Nodes Tree and for considering a donation!


Thank you for your support!

Roy Liao